UTEST companies are 4 of 6 finalists for RBC Prize for Innovation!
UT Entrepreneurship announced their top 6 finalists for the RBC Prize for Innovation.
UTEST will be represented by:
Dalriada Therapeutics is developing a unique ‘cloaking’ therapeutic technology for the treatment of most aggressive, currently untreatable cancers including acute myeloid leukaemia, glioblastoma and medulloblastoma.
Dash MD is a mobile patient experience platform that improves recovery outcomes by providing patients with the tools and resources necessary for effective self-care and recovery management.
Polumiros Inc. has developed polymeric fillers that provide breast cancer patients a cosmetically superior and minimally-invasive solution for the permanent restoration of breast tissue defects following breast conserving surgery.
SHIELD Crypto Systems has developed high performance applications using fully homomorphic encryption (FHE) technology that reduces the risk of bank card data breaches. Our FHE encryption technology is at least 10,000× faster than competing implementations, and we help eliminate the $16B in annual losses due to card breaches and help companies in the banking ecosystem increase their net income by mitigating these losses.
The pitch is the culmination of UT’s inaugural Entrepreneurship week taking place on March 31st.
To learn more about the event, visit entrepreneurs.utoronto.ca/event/rbcprize.